
you've guessed it, i'm a vinyljunk, nothing feels, smells, looks and sounds better then a 7", 10", 12" or whatever size, shape or colour piece of vinyl.
the whole process from cutting the lacquer to sleeving the vinyl is so great to see, hear, smell and feel that i thought it would be a good idea to make a site concerning all of that.
a lot of people disrespect vinylrecords and with this site i hope to give those concerning a more respectful view of the mother of all musiccarriers, vinyl.
this site contains (almost) everything you need to know about vinylrecords and the processing of vinylrecords including some necessary info about mastering techniques.
if you have additional info about vinyl records or info about pressing plants, lacquers or what ever concerning vinyl feel free to contact me.
This site was last updated on 25 December 2000, some major updates are coming up soon, new design, more info and more pictures and specs so come back soon for more sonic vinyljunk goodies.

da goose
a long but really good story about vinylthe technique behind vinyl including lot's of hints and tips
cd versus vinylcd versus vinyl (not just serious talk but hey ? ...)
pictures of neumann cuttingtables and vinyl pressingmachinespictures of neumann cuttinglathes and pressing machinery
links concerning vinyl and/or turntableslinks concerning vinyl or turntables
other info concerning vinyl including maximum times and specialtiesother  info concerning vinyl records
cutting the sonata lp (taken from an audiophile site)cutting the sonata lp
about me and my addictionabout me
save the vinyl !!!

use this button to make a link to this siteUMAC united musicians against copyinghi9 records the netherlandsda goose's site